Estate Planning

Mid-aged couple working on financial or estate planningIncluding a bequest to Danbury Animal Welfare Society in your will or living trust is an easy way to make a significant contribution that you may not be able to make during life. Giving a bequest to DAWS may also decrease your estate’s taxes.

Gifts Directed From Your Will or Living Trust

Charitable bequests and living trust directions can take various forms:

A specific bequest or direction instructs that DAWS receives a specific portion of your property. Example: “I give to Danbury Animal Welfare Society all of my shares in XYZ Mutual Fund to be used for the general purposes of said charity.”

A general bequest directs that DAWS receives a specified dollar amount. Example: “I give to Danbury Animal Welfare Society the sum of $100,000 to be used for the general purposes of said charity.”

A residual bequest designates all or a portion of the remaining assets after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been paid. Example: “I give to Danbury Animal Welfare Society fifty percent (50%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for the general purposes of said charity.”

Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets

Make a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other defined contribution plan by naming DAWS as a beneficiary of all or a percentage of whatever remains in the fund at the end of your life.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Make a gift of life insurance by naming DAWS as a beneficiary of all or a percentage of the proceeds payable at the end of your life. You would be able to alter the named beneficiaries if your family circumstances change.

Contact your attorney for guidance or email for more information.